P1 & P2 Curriculum

Na veel vragen van onze leerlingen, na zorgvuldige overweging en na expliciete toestemming hiervoor van Eyal Yanilov, hebben wij besloten het curriculum van P1 en P2 openbaar te maken voor onze leden.

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Practitioner Level 1

The Goals: be proficient with basic attacks in different directions; and be able to deal successfully with frontal assaults: all at the “Operator Level”

A. History of Krav-Maga and of its Founder – Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld)

1. About the system and the founder – Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld)

2. About the organization (KMG)

3. History of Krav Maga in the country


B. Preliminaries

1. Safety in Training

2. Vulnerable Points

3. Principles of Attack and Principles of Defense

4. Tactical behavior

i. Pre-fight (prevent, avoid, de-escalate)

ii. Fight – technical and physical (self-defense) solutions

iii. Post-fight – Disengage and/or proceed to the next task

All training must be suitable for the trainee, according to his or her age, weight, physical condition and mental capability.


C. Ready Stances and Movements

1. The meaning of starting positions and the ready stance (AKA “outlet stance”)

2. Passive and semi-passive stances

3. The general ready stance

4. Techniques of moving in various directions from the ready stance

5. Finishing modes – 3 options: move away; scan the area; get equipped


D. Straight Strikes

1. Palm-heel strike (first straight strike to be taught with left / right hand)

2. Straight left punch (to chin)

3. Straight right punch (to chin)

Notes: Punches are first practiced from a semi-passive stance; later from a general ready stance. Practitioner should understand principles of attacks and proper way to make a fist.

E. Elbow Strikes

1. Horizontal elbow strikes: 1) inward; 2) sideways; 3) backward

F. Hammer Strikes

1. Vertical: 1) forward; 2) downward; 3) backward

2. Horizontal: 1) sideways; 2) backward


G. Kicks

1. Knee strike – upward

2. Regular (front) kick with the ball of the foot / instep (to low or higher targets)

3. Stomp kick – downward

4. Stomp kick backward – at knee level (foot position between a side and defensive back kick)

Note: Kicks should be taught first from the passive stance, later from other stances.

H. Combinations Using Learned Attacks

1. Short combinations (with simple 2-6 strikes / kicks)

General Note: Emphasize recoiling in all attacks (especially straight punches and regular kicks).

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I. Outside Defenses

  1. 360o outside defenses – with simultaneous counter-attack from a passive stance (against slaps and later against defined punches)
  2. 360o defenses as above, with finishing mode – multiple counter-attacks; move away; get equipped
  3. Defending against knife attacks – underhand hold (upwards / oriental) or overhand hold (downwards / regular / ice-pick) holds;simultaneous defense and counter-attack/s, then fast retreat


J. Inside Defenses Against Straight Punches, from a Semi-Passive Stance

1. Inside defense – with sending (vertical) palm sent diagonally forward

2. Inside defense and counterattack – forcing the opponent’s hand down (1.5 rhythm)


K. Leg Defenses Against Regular Kick

1. Inside defenses (deflection) against a regular kick – using the shin of the front leg


L. Defending Against Front Chokes

1. Timeline (Distance; see Section R: “Simulation and Tactics”)

  • Avoidance – move away
  • De-escalating – verbal
  • Preventing I (don’t get grabbed) – kick and/or punch
  • Preventing II (don’t get grabbed) – defenses
  • Preventing III (don’t get grabbed) – educational block

2. Release; pluck with 2 hooked palms and counterattack with knee/shin and/or punches

2.1 Variation – pluck with one hand; simultaneous counter with the other


M. Dealing with Falls

1. Get up from the ground –

1.1 Forward, with attacks

1.2 Fast disengagement

1.3 Into a ready stance

2. Forward soft break-fall (towards a wall; from a standing position; if needed, from knees)

3. Forward roll – right shoulder for right-handed practitioners


N. Releases While on Ground

1. Release from a front choke; assailant kneeling by the defender’s side – pluck, push and insert knee; push and kick


O. Using Common Objects as Self-Defense Weapons

1. Identifying and categorizing the use of common objects for self-defense, such as: shields, clubs, stones, sharp-edge weapons, small objects, rope and liquids

2. Using common objects of the shield type – such as a chair or bag

2.1 Dealing with a circular knife attack

2.2 Dealing with a punch or a kick


P. Training – Watching, Awareness, Prevention

1. Observing attacks being initiated, from a realistic distance

2. Same as above, but also foreseeing and imagining possible reactions


Q. Returning Attacker (defend – attack – defend)

1. Following the defender’s initial defense (a choke release; 360 defenses) and counter-attack, the opponent is still able to return and attack again, launch a circular attack (360)

R. Simulation and Tactics – P1

Timeline (Distance) – against an attacker attempting a front choke. See section L above.

Practitioner Level 2


The Goals: Dealing with side and rear attacks; be proficient in performing series of attacks in all directions; familiarity with application of pre-fight, fight and post-fight concepts.

Required Achievement: Operator Level

A. Circular Strikes – Hooks (Roundhouses) & Uppercuts

1. Hook punch

2. Uppercut from semi-passive stance and from ready stance (regular outlet stance)

Notes: Start drilling both strikes first from a semi-passive stance, then from a ready stance; for the hooks, while in ready stance the front-hand strike has two variations.


B. Elbow Strikes

1. Vertical elbow strikes: a) upward; b) downward; c) straight backward; d) back and upward


C. Various Striking Methods

1. Straight strike with the fingers

2. Palm strike to groin

3. Back of hand (and fingers) whip strike to groin

4. Straight punch while advancing (simultaneous attack and step) – right (rear) and left (front)

5. Straight left punch in retreat

Note: First punch from a semi-passive stance; later from a ready stance and other starting positions.


D. Kicks

1. Knee strike – roundhouse

2. Defensive front kick; striking surfaces: heel, ball of the foot, whole foot (in testing, demonstrate one of the above)

3. Defensive backward kick

4. Sidekick (with the heel)

5. Roundhouse kick – two methods: horizontal or diagonal (demonstrate one method in testing); possible striking surfaces: ball of the foot, instep or shin


E. Series of Attacks – to the front, side and rear; with different targets, heights and angles

1. From long to short distances

2. From short to the long distances


F. Inside Defenses (with palm or forearm) Against Straight Punches

1. Ready stance and starting positions for inside defenses

2. Inside defense with the palm:

2.1 Simultaneous counterattack (with the other hand)

2.2 1.5 rhythm – defend, counterattack forcing the opponent’s hand down (as in P-1)

2.3 While leaning backward; kick (with the front leg)

3. Forearm defense against attacks to different targets and heights; and counterattack

4. Left against left – palm (or forearm) sweeping defense with a horizontal counter

Notes: Remember to incorporate head and body defense into these techniques. Defend with the left hand against right hand attacks and vice-versa, unless otherwise stated.


G. Outside Defenses Against Punches

1. Ready stance and starting position for outside defenses

2. Forearm defense against a hook punch – diagonal outward and back (avoiding the elbow; clenched fist; use fleshy part of the forearm; head tucked between shoulders)

3. Outside defense against straight punches, with simultaneous counterattack (demonstrate one of the learned defenses – nos. 1, 2 or 3)

4. Outside defense, upward and forward (no. 4, forearm at a diagonal)

Note: In the above outside defenses, only the close (front) hand defends against straight strikes.


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H. Body Defense

1. Ducking under a strike (straight or circular) – from passive or ready stance; with a counter-attack (to the groin).


I. Defending Against an Opponent Attacking from Different Angles

1. Inside or outside defenses against punches (circular or straight) coming from various directions. Defender is looking forward, attacker is moving in a half-circle in front of him.

2. Against a strike from behind – move away diagonally forward while turning and reacting


J. Leg Defenses Against Kicks [from passive and ready (‘outlet’) stances]

1. Stop kicksvs. regular kicks:

1.1. With the heel directed to the outside; use the front leg

1.2. With the heel directed to the inside; use the back leg

2. Inside / outside defenses:

2.1. Blocking defense with the shin against a low roundhouse kick, coming from the same side (possibly using the front leg against either kicking leg)

3. Outside defense with the shin and forearm together – against a high / low roundhouse kick

4. Inside defense with the shin and forearm together – against a high or low regular kick (the hand defense is as in Section F, no. 3, above)

Notes: Technique no.1 is first applied against regular kicks and later against roundhouse and sidekicks. Techniques 3 and 4 are used against an attack delivered to an unknown height. Use the forearm as previously learned, bony or muscular parts for inside or outside defenses.


K. Choke Releases (including Distance Timeline)

1. Vs. a choke from the side – pluck and counterattack

2. Vs. a choke from the rear – pluck with a step diagonally backward

3. Vs. a choke from the rear – one / two-hand pluck, turn & attack; or executing a wrist lock.

Note: when lack of force, use two hands to remove one of attacker’s chocking hand.


L. Defenses Against a Knife Threat (including Distance Timeline)

1. From the front – at long range – deflect and kick, while leaning away from the knife

2. From the side or back – attacker is at long range – deflect and kick

3. From the front – at close range – deflect with a C grip.


M. Dealing With Falls

1. Backward break-fall

2. Backward roll – left shoulder (for right-handed practitioners)


N. Choke Releases while on the Ground

1. Attacker sitting on the defender – pluck and bridge – one hand remains holding

2. Attacker between the legs of the defender – pluck with one hand and insert knee


O. Using Common Objects – Small Objects to Distract

1. Throwing; using distraction to create an opening or opportunity

Note: This is used primarily in a situation before an actual attack is made, mainly during the threat stage or in the very early stages of an attack.


P. Fighting Games

1. 4 against 1

1.1. Push with 2 hands or grab to choke (1 attack every 2 seconds)

Note: This can start with the “zombie” game.

1.2. Defending 360 – against 2 attacks every 2 seconds

2. Slow fighting – including the process and stages of learning

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Q. Returning Attacker

1. Following the defender’s initial defense (a choke release; defenses against circular or straight strikes) and counter-attack, the opponent is able to proceed and launch straight strikes or other relevant attacks


R. Simulation and Tactics – P2

Timeline (Aggression) – escalation of attacks: verbal quarrel; and a push; and two strikes; and a kick.